This support thread from LinkedIn proves that LinkedIn is monitoring and restricting views of your postings based on their own “Approved” political beliefs, and it explicitly says so in LinkedIn's own support thread.

Please share this with your network so we can put as much pressure as possible on LinkedIn to change this censorship policy.

The following is a support thread from LinkedIn regarding a political discussion about James Comey, director of the FBI. The discussion was critical of his decision not to recommend prosecution of Hillary Clinton over the use of a private email server. The full text of the censored discussion posted on LinkedIn follows this blog posting here, and can be viewed on LinkedIn at Click here.

The posts from the support thread are in chronological order:

It starts with me submitting a support request to LinkedIn asking why one of the comments on a posting I created was removed.

Auto-response from LinkedIn.

Some back and forth and submitting additional evidence of censorship.

You can scroll down to the disturbing parts ...

Scroll Down ...

Scroll Down ...

Scroll Down ...

Scroll Down ...

Notice the claim here that "LinkedIn would never proactively delete a comment..."

Scroll Down ...

Scroll Down ...

Here the LinkedIn support person admits that LinkedIn removed the comment and for a very disturbing reason ... LinkedIn does not allow discussions about certain "political beliefs", as of yet, unidentified.

So I asked for a list of those political beliefs that are not allowed on LinkedIn ...

A new LinkedIn support person takes over and completely contradicts all previous responses by LinkedIn. They also attempt to repeat a lie, even though the response was proven to be a lie earlier in the thread ...

At this point the LinkedIn support person abruptly closed the case, I reopened it immediately...



Then suddenly, for no apparent reason, the number of views on this posting went from almost zero, to almost 20 in a couple of hours. And this was weeks after it was originally posted, so the interest in the topic of the article had waned by that time.

The above graph tells me that after I caught them in the act of censoring my posts, LinkedIn subsequently changed some "view limiter" setting that allowed this post to receive more views. However I doubt they removed the limitation completely, given the censorship mentality revealed.

In this reply from Linkedin, they are not even attempting to pretend they do not have a censorship list based on political views. 

They say the list exists and is internal and private!!!

They also say there was a "miscommunication" about the comment being deleted by LinkedIn. Since we already know that LinkedIn deleted the comment, I interpret this to mean that the support person was not supposed to tell me they deleted it.

Are we, the LinkedIn users, on some sort of super-secret double probation that only LinkedIn knows about?

Again the LinkedIn support person closed the case.  Again I immediately reopened the case, and recognizing a dead end, I asked that my issue be escalated to the next support level.


And it appears that we will be discussing the list of disallowed political beliefs with a new LinkedIn support person soon ...

And it begins again ... sigh.  The new LinkedIn support person attempts to disavow any knowledge of censorship at LinkedIn, and it is a person from the same group identified previously as the group who initiated the censorship!

I tell the new support person that censorship is not the issue anymore, it has been proven and acknowledged by LinkedIn. The issue is making the list of disallowed political views public so that LinkedIn customers know whether or not to express an opinion on these topics.

Another response from LinkedIn, another denial, kinda, sorta ... This time they admit to censorship "through automated tools", then deny the automated tools locate or remove content based on political views. OK, then on what basis are the automated tools removing content? Please provide that list of rules, that is all I am asking for!

Here I ask for the censorship rules for reviewing content associated with the automated tools referenced in the last response by LinkedIn Support:

Just when I think that LinkedIn support can't get any more despicable, they prove me wrong! They just got even more despicable, they closed the support ticket without response and without notification in the hope that I wouldn't notice and it would just go away.  I NOTICED!

I reopen the case and ask it to be immediately escalated to LinkedIn Management.

In the latest response, LinkedIn Support completely ignores my request to escalate this to LinkedIn Management, and they do not address the fact they attempted to close the case without response or notification. Again they admit they censor content using automated tools but refuse to tell the LinkedIn users what the censorship rules are governing those tools. Again they close the case without resolution.

I reopen the case and identify the latest reply from LinkedIn Support as being not responsive to my request to escalate this case to LinkedIn Management. Again I request escalation...

This support case has been open for over a month now and LinkedIn support is ignoring it.

Stay tuned to the continuing saga...